1. I let the hair dye stayed on my hair way too long than it should have be.
2.I washed my hair after watching two episodes of Desperate Housewives. When I started massaging my scalp, I felt a weird pain behind of my right ear, on the skull. In my mind, I was thinking, "Shit, the chemical has got into my head, I'm gonna die!".
3.After rinsing off all the bubbles, I felt a burning sensation on my scalp. I was really scared. I tried pulling my hair off, but they are still strong. Thank God.
4. I put on the conditioner. The burning sensation pricked my scalp even stronger. I change the water temperature to cold and immediately rinse off the conditioner.I let the water ran through my hair onto my scalp(cold water, at midnight). It felt better after a while.
5. I towel dried my hair, and BANG, I am Bree Hodge, (I still prefer calling her Bree Van de Kamp though). The shade of the colour has changed, because I let it on my hair for too long. Just imagine half of the hair are Bree's colour-starting from the root and the rest are, 3 shades lighter than Gabrielle Solis's + highlights of Edie's/Lynette's blonde.
6. Who says it's a bad thing? I love my hair even more now!
7. A best friend of mine read my blog, and didn't know I was the one who wrote it. She didn't know Mr.Mu was me, until she clicked the photo. Duh. Like, why would I put anyone's blog link as my personal message on my messenger and facebook. She said, I sounded different on my blog.
8. There are certain unexpected people who really read my blog. Thank you. Terima Kasih.
9. My sister is getting engage really soon. I suddenly feel slightly excited. Well, I was responsible on the 'hantaran' 's colour scheme. Oh and I actually dyed my hair for the ceremony. I have my very own special guests to impress.
10. I still haven't buy my BOOM-IN-YOUR-FACE(as Aida put it) outfit for the engagement ceremony. Insya-Allah tomorrow.
11. I still am contemplating whether or not to go for facial with Erma on Saturday.
12. If any of you are interested and looking for high quality Terengganu 'Songket', let me know. The price is around 1500 Euro. It'd be a really nice present for your husband, father, son, grandfather, grandchild, and yourself. Will post on the detail soon.
13. I'm hungry, my head is still aching and I like having Bree Van de Kamp's shade.
Jumpa lagi, A bientot.