Maybe Happiness, maybe.
1) So, last week I've been busy with things that I wanted to be busy with.
I'm sure other kids in my class would want the same thing.
2) Speaking of class, I recently experienced the worst rudeness from my classmate- an Indonesian Chinese bitch.
I never know that a person from Indonesia could be that rude. From what I've learnt, people from Indonesia are very polite and decent, accept for some of their construction workers and maids who LIES for a living.
Well, maybe this chinese Indonesian bitch, who has the weirdest name on planet earth(translated to english her name will be "WOUND"- i know, WTF rite?) never been taught manerism by her parents. Or maybe she's an orphanage. An UGLY one.
Some people are just unlucky. Uncivilised and ugly. and stupid-Her english, OMG, I think a native speaker would definately commit suicide whenever he/she heard Ms.Wound speak Eanglesssss(that's the closest that I can do to imitate her my-ear-drum-is-exploding accent).
3) So yeah, on the other hand,
I think I've overcame my addiction. I'm so glad. Alhamdulillah.
I also made a few new friends. :)
And my mind is now thinking mostly about things that I should be thinking. Again-Alhamdulillah.
4) I got so many breakouts these couple of month, but yet, I realized I said "Live is Good" more than twice in the month of March. Maybe it's not a month of 'Not-so-March-going-on' for me after all.
5) Call me whatever you want, but I think my 'wishes' were granted with so many twists in them. I LOVE surprises and I LOVE the 'power above' even more. Isn't it great if you asked for waffle but you got pancakes instead. The taste is quite alike, just not as crispy as the former. But I still am grateful.
6) Isn't it funny when someone call you a monkey while she is obviously has a tail, loves banana, and climb so many brittle trees herself. I should have trusted you Nazreem. She's literally crazy when it comes to the "I'm-the-bestfriend-of-this-minister's-daugther" image. *Sigh*
7) Every Islamic countries should say YES to Gold Dinar. LIKE SERIOUSLY. Think about it. It's good for the world economy.
Jumpa lagi, A bientot.